Tuesday, April 1, 2014

PHA Recognizes Outstanding Members of the PH Community

Mary Bartlett, RN, receives the Outstanding
Allied Health Professional award in 2012.
This June, PHA’s 2014 International PH Conference and Scientific Sessions, Racing Toward a Cure, will take place in Indianapolis, Ind. Not only is this a great time to learn, share and meet new people, but it is also a great time to reflect on how much the community has done to support the fight against pulmonary hypertension (PH). Leading support groups, raising awareness, fundraising, and advocating for PH are just a few ways that community members can get involved.
At each Conference, PHA recognizes some of the unique individuals in our community who go above and beyond. This year, our winners are a committed group of medical professionals, caregivers and patients whose dedication to PH has stood out.
The 2014 PHA Outstanding Member Awards winners are… 
Julie Hendry Memorial Scholarship Award
Anaelis Padilla
Mary Felkel 

Outstanding Allied Health Professional
Abby Poms, RRT, RCP 

Outstanding Caregiver
Evan White 

Outstanding PH Citizen
Michelle Holden 

Outstanding Physician
Murali Chakinala, MD, FCCP 

Outstanding Support Group Leader
Tiffany Gunderman 

Outstanding Young PH Citizen 
Haley Lynn
These award winners will be honored at PHA’s 2014 International PH Conference in June. Join us in congratulating them on their accomplishments! 

Posted by:
Kristie Link
Publications Intern, PHA


  1. So honored and excited. Thank you!

  2. Thank you PHA and the the people who nominated me and the opportunity to be chosen as the outstanding caregiver. I am so honored to have been selected!
