By Marilyn Hanft, 2014 Conference Reporter
As a first-time Conference attendee, I wasn't sure what to expect at the Meet-and-Greet. Once I – finally – found the right room (follow the noise of bunches of people all talking at once), I was amazed to see so many people who, like me, are wearing oxygen. To no longer feel “different” was a gift I didn’t expect. Amazingly, the many wheelchairs and motorized scooters seemed to blend into the crowd.
Wandering around, taking in the exhibits, I met so many nice, friendly people; I quickly felt right at home. There was Jimmy, a caregiver for his wife, checking in ahead of me. We went our separate ways, but I caught up with him again at the buffet. I met a younger woman who was only diagnosed a couple of years ago and several who are long-term survivors.
Each story was different, yet we all share a similar path.
A group gathered around each exhibit, talking to the staff and each other, sharing the experience. At one end of the room was a long table with items being raffled off. I was particularly surprised to see a basketball autographed by Larry Bird – my all-time favorite player! Someone else won it.
And so, my evening ended – tired and looking forward to three more days.
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