Tuesday, April 8, 2014

A PH Patient and PHA Community Member: Carol Bowling

Carol Bowling says her favorite thing about PHA’s International PH Conference and Scientific Sessions is meeting so many wonderful people. To her, there is nothing better than walking into the lobby of the hotel and seeing 10 people who have oxygen, or pumps, and knowing that they are her peers. Carol, a PH patient from California, says that seeing others with the same equipment means nobody is going to stare at you because you’re pulling an oxygen tank or have to change a pump.
Carol attended her first Conference in 2012, and her experience there has really propelled her involvement with PHA. “It’s amazing to be among people who absolutely get it,” says Carol. “The best part, for example, is at lunch when you start the conversation about, ‘What drugs are you on?’ or ‘Tell me about your experience with PH’ and within 15 minutes, it changes to ‘Do you have a family?’ You realize that we are not our disease, we are just people.”
Participating in the Research Room is another Conference highlight for Carol for two reasons. First, she personally feels like she is doing something to help move forward PH research. Second, she can tell the researchers are thrilled to meet so many PH patients in such a brief space of time. “They are so excited to share the research that they’re doing with you and how they are trying to help find a cure for this disease,” says Carol. Information about how you can get involved in the Research Room at our 2014 Conference will be available on our Conference website in the coming weeks.
At the 2014 Conference this June, Carol will be chair of a Patient/Family Led Session on traveling with PH. Outside of Conference, Carol is involved with the PHA PHriends program and serves as a mentor on the Patient-to-Patient Support Line, which connects patients, family members, friends, and even medical professionals with trained mentors who can answer questions and provide information and support. To meet Carol and many other PH patients this June, be sure to register for Conference today.

Posted by:
Kimberly Smith
Patient & Caregiver Services Intern, PHA

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